“Good words are worth much, and cost little.”
—George Herbert
Search engine optimization (SEO) has many factors. It considers everything from your site structure to the words you use in your copy.
This SEO guide focuses on how you can use power words to boost SEO. We’ll explain what they do and give you a full list of power words to choose from. This way, you can drive reader engagement and optimize your content for the web.
When it comes to online writing, you need to use words that not only target your audience but target their emotions. That’s why we segment our power word list by which emotion they appeal to: the reader’s sense of trust and community as well as their curiosity, pride, laziness, fear, lust, greed, and anger.
We’ve scoured the web for the best power words to compile the most comprehensive list out there. It’s the only SEO power word list you’ll ever need.
Let’s dive in.
Table of Contents
What is an SEO Power Word?
So what exactly is an SEO power word? Similar to SEO power pages, these are words (and sometimes phrases) aimed at triggering a psychological or emotional response in the reader. Ideally, power words appeal to our emotions and senses to persuade us to take action.
Power words are used all over. In email marketing, landing pages, social media, and content marketing. Copywriters and advertisers alike employ them to drive traffic, conversions, and ultimately sales.
What makes power words good for SEO? Well, search engines reward sites that draw organic traffic. Think about it. If a web page consistently attracts engagement and longer dwell times for a certain keyword, Google assumes that visitors are deriving value from it. That the page satisfies them. And that’s what Google is about above all—satisfying search intent.
So if you can increase traffic with alluring power words, you’ve won half the battle. You’ve widened your traffic funnel. The trick is to then make sure your content actually delivers. It must add value to the reader. Otherwise, you’ve led them down a misleading path, and they’ll bounce from your page, which will drop your dwell time rate and actually hurt your SEO.
Power words are especially important in headlines. After all, headlines are the first thing readers see. So you need to make them as click-worthy as possible. Headlines follow the 80/20 rule. Also known as the Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule states that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your work. Even though headlines only make up a small piece of what goes into a piece of content, they can make or break it. A weak headline will lose the reader, and they won’t click. But a powerful headline can persuade the reader to learn more.
When it comes to SEO, power words increase your bottom line. They get readers to click and discover the high-quality content you have to offer. Plus, they help your copy throughout. Visitors will be more inclined to keep reading if you speak to their emotions.
That’s why we’ve laid out the best 1,274 power words for you. And we’ve segmented them by the emotion to which they appeal for your easy reference.
So without further ado, here they are:
Trust SEO Power Words
above and beyond | ensured | reliability |
absolutely | expert | research |
according to | facts, factual | research-backed |
accredited | fail proof | results |
accurate | faith, faithful | risk-free |
actionable | flawless | rock solid |
actual | foolproof | safety |
admiration, to admire | fully refundable | scientific, science |
advantage | genuine | scientifically proven, science-backed |
anonymous | guarantee, guaranteed | secure |
approved | guilt-free | sensible |
authentic | improved | should |
authoritative, authority | ironclad | studies show |
automatic | legit, legitimate | super |
backed | lifetime | superior |
backed refund | money-back | supported |
bankable | no doubt | sure-fire |
because | no fail | survive |
best | no obligation(s) | tested |
bestselling | no questions asked | that never fails |
better | no risk | thorough |
bona fide | no strings attached | track record |
cancel anytime | obvious | true, truly |
case study | official | trustworthy |
certified | patented | try before you buy |
clockwork | pay zero | ultimate |
complete | percent | unconditional |
confirmed | permanent | unparalleled |
data | privacy | unquestionable |
definite | professional | verified, verify |
definitive | promise | well beyond |
delightful | protected | well respected |
dependable | proven | world-class |
detailed | recession-proof | worldwide |
don’t worry | recognized | worry-free |
effective | refund | worthwhile |
endorsed | reliable |
Community SEO Power Words
become a member | community | safe |
become part of | connect | support |
circle | group | team |
come along | join | together |
Curiosity SEO Power Words
ancient | hidden | sneak peek |
astonishing | hilarious | spoiler |
backdoor | hilarious | strange |
banned | hush-hush | stunning |
be an insider | illegal | super secret |
be the first | illusive | thought-provoking |
become an insider | incredibly | top secret |
behind the scenes | insane | trade secret |
bizarre | insider | tried to hide |
black market | interesting | unauthorized |
blacklisted | invitation only | unbelievable |
blacklisted | join | uncensored |
bootleg | key | uncharted |
censored | learn | unconventional |
clandestine | limited | uncover |
class full | little-known | under the radar |
classified | login required | under the table |
cloak and dagger | lost | under wraps |
closet | members only | undercover |
concealed | myths | underground |
confessions | never seen before | under-the-table |
confidential | odd | undisclosed |
controversial | off limits | undiscovered |
covert | off the record | unexpected |
cover-up | on the q.t. | unexplained |
crazy | outlawed | unexplored |
cringe worthy | priceless | unheard of |
dark | private | unique |
discover | privy | unlock |
distinct | psycho | unreachable |
elusive | remote | unspoken |
exclusive | restricted | unsung |
exotic | ridiculous | untold |
extraordinary | sealed | unusual |
eye-opening | secluded | unveil, unveiled |
forbidden | secret | wacky |
forgotten | shh! | withheld |
from the vault | shocking | zany |
harness | smuggled |
Pride SEO Power Words
A+ | excellent | phenomenal |
adorable | excited | pluck |
affable | extraordinary | power-up |
ahead of the game | eye-opening | praise |
amazing | fabulous | prevail |
amplify | faith | prosperous |
ascend | fantastic | radiant |
astonishing | fearless | remarkable |
astounding | ferocious | revel |
at the top | fierce | rule |
attractive | flawless | sassy |
audacious | force | saucy |
awe-inspiring | fortunate | score |
awesome | foxy | seize |
backbone | free | sensational |
badass | fulfill | smart |
beat | genius | spectacular |
beauteous | glory, glorious | splendid |
beautiful | good-looking | spunk |
belief | gorgeous | staggering |
bliss, blissful | graceful | strengthen |
bold | grateful | striking |
booming | greatest | strong |
boost | grit | stunning |
boss | guts | stunt |
brassy | handsome | stupendous |
bravery | happy | successful |
brazen | heart | superhuman |
breathtaking | hero | supreme |
bright, brighten | honor | surprising |
brilliant | hope | tender, tenderness |
celebrate, celebrated | incredible | terrific |
cheer, cheery | jaw-dropping | thrive |
cherish | jovial | thwart |
classy | joy, joyful, to enjoy | titan |
clever | jubilant | tough |
colossal | kick-ass | tremendous |
command | knockout | triumph, triumphant |
conquer | kudos | turbocharge |
courage | legend, legendary | ultimate |
crowned | life-changing | unbeatable |
daring | love, loveable, falling in love | unbeaten |
dazzling | luck, lucky | unbelievable |
defeat | magic | undefeated |
defiance | marvelous | unforgettable |
delight | master | unique |
devotion, devoted | mind-blowing | unleash |
dignity | miracle, miraculous | uplifting |
dominate | money-making | valiant |
drop-dead | new | valor |
ecstatic | next level | vanquish |
effective | noble | victory |
effortless | notable, noteworthy | virtuoso |
elegant | nurture, nurturing | wealthy |
elite | open-hearted | win |
empower | optimal | wonderful |
enchant | perfect | wondrous |
epic | persuade |
Laziness SEO Power Words
accessible | free, freebie | nothing to it |
all-inclusive | gift | now |
amazing | guide | on demand |
basic | how-to | painless |
building blocks | in less than | pattern |
cheat sheet | in record time | piece of cake |
child’s play | index | plain |
cinch | ingredients | printable |
clear | instant, instantly | quick |
complete | itemized | ready |
components | kick-start | replicate |
comprehensive | life-changing | report |
copy | light | roadmap |
downloadable | list | simple |
easy | magic | simple as abc |
economical | manageable | smooth, smooth sailing |
efficient | mere | snap |
effortless | minutes | steal |
elementary, elements | miraculous | steps |
empower | model | straightforward |
factors | mold | swipe |
fail proof | no nonsense | template |
fill in the blanks | no problem | tools |
formula | no sweat | uncomplicated |
Fear SEO Power Words
abuse | epidemic | plunder |
agony | fail | plunge |
annihilate | failure | poison |
anxiety | feeble | poor |
anxious | fired | prison |
apocalypse | foil | pummel |
armageddon | fool | punch |
assault | fooled | pus |
backlash | frantic | pussyfoot |
banned | freaking out | reckoning |
beating | frightening | revenge |
beware | fugacious | risky |
blinded | gambling | sabotage |
blood | gullible | savage |
bloodbath | hack | scary |
bloodcurdling | hazardous | scream |
bloody | hoax | searing |
blunder | holocaust | shame |
bomb | horrific | shatter |
buffoon | horror | shellacking |
bumbling | hurricane | shocked |
burning out | inferior | silly |
cadaver | injure | slaughter |
cataclysmic | insidious | slaughtered |
catastrophe | invasion | slave |
caution | jail | smash |
collapse | jeopardy | steal |
corpse | last chance | stolen |
cowardly | lawsuit | strangle |
crazy | looming | stupid |
cringe worthy | lost opportunity | suck |
cripple | lunatic | suffering |
crisis, crises | lurking | tailspin |
danger | massacre | take advantage |
dangerous | meltdown | tank |
dark | menacing | targeted |
deadly | mired | teetering |
death | miserable | terror |
deceiving | miss out | threat |
despair | mistake | torture |
destroy | murder | toxic |
devastating | nerd | tragedy |
disappointment | nightmare | trap |
disaster | painful | trauma |
disastrous | pale | vaporize |
distressed | panic | victim |
doom | peril | volatile |
drowning | piranha | vulnerable |
dumb | pitfall | warning |
embarrass | plague | worry |
embarrassed | played | wounded |
embarrassing | plummet | wreaking havoc |
Lust SEO Power Words
ache | impure | scandalous |
allure, alluring | indecent | seduce, seductive |
arouse | intense | sensual |
bare | intoxicating | sex, sexy |
begging | intriguing | shameless |
beguiling | itching | sinful |
brazen | juicy | sleazy |
captivating | kinky | sleeping |
charismatic | kiss | sleazy |
charm | lascivious | sneak peek |
cheeky | lewd | spank |
climax | lick | spellbinding |
compelling | lonely | spicy |
covet | longing | steamy |
crave, craving | love, lovely | stimulating |
delight | lure | striking |
delirious | luscious | strip |
depraved | lush | sweaty |
deprive | lust | tantalizing |
desire | magnetic | taste |
dirty | mind-blowing | tawdry |
divine | mischievous | tease |
ecstasy | mouthwatering | tempting |
embrace | naked | thrilling |
enchant | naughty | tickle |
enchanting | nude | tight |
engaging | obscene | tingle |
enthralling | obsession | turn on |
entice | orgasmic | unabashed |
entrance | passionate | uncensored |
excite | pining | untamed |
exotic | pinning | untouched |
explicit | pleasure, pleasurable | urge |
exposed | promiscuous | voluptuous |
fascinate, fascinating | provocative | vulgar |
flirt | racy | wanton |
forbidden | raunchy | wet |
frisky | risqué | whip |
goosebumps | riveting | wild |
hanker | rowdy | X-rated |
heavenly | salacious | yearn, yearning |
hottest | satisfy | you |
hypnotic | saucy | yummy |
Greed SEO Power Words
ahead of the game | first | noteworthy |
amplify | fortunate | now |
at the top | fortune | optimal |
attractive | foxy | pay zero |
bank | free | premiere |
bargain | freebie | price break |
beautiful | frenzy | prize |
before | frugal | profit |
best | genius | prosperous |
big | get more | quadruple |
big deal | gift | quick |
big time | giveaway | reasonable |
billion | golden | reduced |
bold | good-looking | rich |
bonanza | gorgeous | running low |
bonus | greatest | running out |
booked solid | guilt-free | sale |
booming | handsome | sale ends soon |
boost | high-paying | sassy |
boss | huge | save |
brassy | hurry | save money |
bright | immediate | savings |
budget | inexpensive | scarce |
cash | instant, instantly | six-figure |
cheap | jackpot | skyrocket |
clever | kick-ass | slashed |
costly | knockout | smart |
crowned | last chance | soaring |
dazzling | legendary | special |
deadline | limited | successful |
discount | lowest price | superhuman |
dollar | lucky | surge |
don’t miss out | lucrative | treasure |
double | luxurious | triple |
earn more | marked down | turbocharge |
economical | massive | ultimate |
effective | monetize | unbeaten |
elegant | money | undefeated |
elite | money-draining | upsell |
exclusive, exclusivity | money-making | value |
expires, expiring | money-saving | waste |
explode | more | wealth, wealthy |
extra | nest egg | while they last |
fast | never again | whopping |
feast | new | you |
final | notable |
Anger SEO Power Words
abhorrent | hate, hated, hatred | repugnant |
abuse | high and mighty | revile |
agitate | horrid | revolting |
agonizing | hostile | rotten |
annoy, annoying | hysterics | rude |
arrogant | infuriating | ruined |
backstabbing | irritating | ruthless |
bankrupt | jealous | savage |
barbaric | kick | scam |
bash | kill | scold |
beat down | knock | screw |
big mouth | knock out | sick and tired |
bitter | know-it-all | sink |
blatant | lies | slam |
boil over | livid | slander |
broke | loathsome | slap |
brutal | lollygag | slash |
buffoon | loser | slay |
bully | lying | smash |
cheat | maul | smear |
clobber | miff | smug |
clown | misleading | sneaky |
cocky | money-grubbing | sniveling |
corrupt | morally bankrupt | snob |
coward | nasty | snooty |
crooked | no good | snotty |
crush | obnoxious | spiteful |
curse | oppressive | spoil |
debase | pain in the ass | steal |
defile | panic | stink |
delinquent | payback | stuck up |
demolish | perverse | suck |
deplorable | pesky | suck up |
desecrate | pest | sulk |
desperate | phony | tantrum |
despicable | pissed off | terrorize |
diatribe | pitiful | thug |
diminish | pollute | trash |
disgusting | pompous | trounce |
dishonest | pound | tyranny |
distorted | preposterous | underhanded |
evil | pretentious | untrustworthy |
exploit | provoke | up to here |
flare up | punch | useless |
force-fed | punish | vengeful |
foul | quixotic | vicious |
freaking out | rage, raging | victim |
frenzy, frantic | raise hell | violate |
fury, furious | rampant | violent |
greedy | rant | waste |
gross | ravage | weak |
grumpy | rebel | worst |
harass | repelling | wounded |
Partnering with SEO.co
Feel free to bookmark this list for future reference. That way, you can easily get back to it the next time you’re writing a blog post or you’ve hit a writer’s block.
Of course, there’s a lot more to SEO than just power words. From link building to on-page SEO, there are several knobs to adjust and levers to pull in order to make your website rank high on Google.
That’s where SEO.co can help. Our experts have over 20 years of experience working with top clients in industries ranging from real estate to healthcare to travel and more. To take your digital marketing to the next level, reach out today to schedule a free consultation.
Tim holds expertise in building and scaling sales operations, helping companies increase revenue efficiency and drive growth from websites and sales teams.
When he's not working, Tim enjoys playing a few rounds of disc golf, running, and spending time with his wife and family on the beach...preferably in Hawaii.
Over the years he's written for publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Marketing Land, Search Engine Journal, ReadWrite and other highly respected online publications. Connect with Tim on Linkedin & Twitter.
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