These are social media strategies for improving your online google search rankings and search engine optimization (SEO). Part of our complete list of 101 strategies to improve SEO!
Table of Contents
81. Optimize your social profiles.
Optimizing your SEO helps social media marketing profiles won’t help the domain authority of your existing site, but they will boost the visibility of those profiles in search engines. For example, if you fill out your Facebook profile with keyword stuffing related to your industry, there’s a higher chance that your Facebook profile will appear in those types of searches, not just in Google or other search engines, but in Facebook, too. Furthermore, having robust SEO social media marketing profiles will increase the likelihood that they populate the search engine results for searches on your brand name. This is crucial for online reputation management. Fill out every field you can for as many social media platforms as you have for your brand, and be as descriptive and concise as possible on social platforms.
82. Make it easy for people to connect with you.
Having more followers won’t increase your rankings directly, but it will give you a bigger audience with whom you can share your content, which in turn will earn you more visibility on your content, which leads to more inbound link and social signals shares – factors that certainly do increase rankings. Make it easy for people to find and connect with your social profiles by including links to those profiles everywhere—on your site, in your emails, and in all your marketing and promotional material.
83. Offer social share icons in all your content.
In a similar vein, including social share icons for all your individual blog posts, makes it easy for people to share them with the click of a button as social media posts. Most people won’t share your article, even if they like it unless it’s incredibly easy to do so. This is a simple step—it takes mere moments to set up—so there’s no excuse not to have it for your site. Here at Social, we use Social Warfare, a plugin for WordPress that I really dig and highly recommend.
84. Promote your latest content on as many outlets as possible.
The biggest advantage social media marketing efforts gives you is a bigger platform to distribute your blog posts, which aids in visibility and increases your chances of earning an authority-giving inbound link. Whenever you publish a new blog, make sure you promote it on every social platform you have. You can even go above and beyond social media sites and leverage social bookmarking sites like Reddit or StumbleUpon. For a full walkthrough on how to promote your content, as well as a nifty checklist you can print out and use each time, see Content Unleashed: The Ultimate Guide to Promoting Your Published Content.
85. Ask for shares of your best content.
It may seem like a breach of etiquette to ask your social media users to share your content, but as long as you do it sparingly, it can be a positive tool to increase the reach of your material. Save these requests for only the best content strategy & social media strategy you produce, and help it reach bigger circles of followers faster and more reliably.
86. Syndicate your older content on a recurring basis.
Social publishing isn’t just about getting eyes on your latest and greatest pieces—it can also be a way to revitalize an older piece that has lost momentum, or make sure all your followers see all your content at some point in time. Keep a running list of all your “evergreen” pieces of content (which don’t have an expiration date or a temporary relevance), and work on syndicating them regularly, in a loop, over time.
87. Engage with influencers.
Social media influencers are people, preferably in your industry, who already have large followings and a reputation to match. They have the potential to reach thousands of people with a single mention, so you can use this to your advantage to get more eyes on your content (or more followers). Engage with influencers by asking them questions, replying to them in discussion, or sharing their material. You can even ask them to share some of your material (if there’s an incentive for them). Getting their attention could earn you a massive boost in visibility, along with inbound links and shares.
88. Collaborate with influencers.
Rather than asking influencers for favors or relying on their independent actions, consider collaborating with influencers on a shared piece of content. For example, you could conduct an interview or swap research to make a mutually beneficial piece. Regardless of where it’s hosted, you’ll earn at least one h2 link to the piece immediately, and you’ll then earn the benefits of having two h2 social media accounts personalities sharing the piece in the future.
89. Reach out to new potential followers.
One of the best ways to build your following is also the simplest—simply reach out to new people who might be interested in your brand. Find companies similar to yours and access their list of followers, then follow those people to get their attention. Many of them will follow you back.
90. Attract and retain audiences through engagement.
You can both attract new followers and retain the ones you already have by increasing your engagement. “Engagement” here is a vague word that refers to any type of social interaction—it is “social” media, after all. This starts with basic social media courtesy, such as saying “thanks” to people who compliment your work and responding to questions or criticism about your content. It also extends to finding conversations relevant to your industry and partaking in them to show off your expertise. The more you engage with your users, the more likely they’ll want to keep following you.
91. Optimize your YouTube videos.
The majority of this guide has focused on Google as the main consideration in social media SEO, which is a good thing—Google still dominates the web with two-thirds of all search traffic—but there are other local search engines to optimize for. For example, YouTube has its own ranking factor system. It’s somewhat similar to Google’s, drawing on keyword research in the title and tags, as well as the quality and support for the content itself, but it’s worth considering as a secondary route of optimization. This is especially important because how you optimize your YouTube videos will affect how and whether they show up in straightforward Google searches. Post new videos on an occasional basis and optimize all of them for both modes of search.
(Image Source: SearchEngineWatch/TagSEO)
92. Build up your personal brands.
It’s also a good idea to build up your personal brands (such as your own, or your employees’) on social media. You’re already using them as ways to increase the visibility of your content; optimizing their social media presence is the next step. Work with the owner of each participating personal brand within your company and have them build individual social followings of their own. Ultimately, this will serve to make your blog content more personably syndicated (and therefore, more trustworthy), and also has the potential to multiply your overall social media target audience a few times over.
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