It’s a dilemma that many bloggers face. They want to post their content, but they also want to make sure it is high quality and optimized for search engines. Content marketing isn’t just about writing quality content.
You’ll need to put in the work to make sure your content is scheduled appropriately. This way, you can be sure that your content will achieve the best results and reach your target audience.
Below, you’ll learn everything you need to know about scheduling your content with SEO in mind.
Table of Contents
When is it The Best Time to Schedule Your Content?
The best time to schedule your content depends on a few factors.
First, you need to think about the type of content that you’re blogging about and who it is for.
For example, if your blog focuses on parenting tips, then posting towards the end of the day would probably be better because most parents are at home in the evening with their children so they will have more free time than during work hours or in other parts of the day when people are commuting back and forth from work.
Secondly, take into account where your target audience lives and how much online access, they typically get throughout each part of a given day. The later in the morning somebody starts working (and thus has less time available), they may not have the time to read your content.
Ultimately, there isn’t a set time to schedule your content. The solution depends on your target audience, their demographics, etc.
Creating a Content Calendar
The first step to scheduling your content is creating a calendar.
Create an excel document with the following columns: “Date of Post,” “Post Title,” and “Word Count.” Fill in all the post titles that you want to publish at different intervals throughout the month, including any posts on topics or for audiences that don’t have specific dates (such as seasonal blog topics).
For each date, estimate how many words it will take up by multiplying 50-150 words per paragraph. Then mark off when each post should be published. When you are finished filling out this spreadsheet, go back through it line by line so that every part of your schedule makes sense given what else is going on within those days.
How Often Should You Blog?
It’s not always necessary or best to post on a daily basis.
Some bloggers are better off with just one post per week, while others might be up for two posts per day.
The important thing is that you’re posting often enough and at an appropriate time, so your readers won’t forget about you (or stop reading) in between blog posts! If too much time passes without any new content from you.
Then it can be difficult to get back on their radar and have them visit again the next time they’re looking for something interesting to read.
Try Email Marketing
Content marketing isn’t all about social media.
Email can be a great way to stay in contact with your customers, too! This is important because email subscribers are more likely to buy from you than people who haven’t subscribed or interacted with you before.
One of the easiest ways to start using this strategy on your blog is by inserting an opt-in box at the end of every post. You could also set up a newsletter that goes out weekly or monthly so readers don’t forget about what’s going on around here and they know when new content will be arriving soon.
Scheduling your blog content in an email campaign is important for driving more traffic to your website and improving your site’s dwell time. Both traffic can elevate your SEO ranking.
Keep Your Blog Schedule Organized
It’s important to keep your blog schedule organized in order for your posts to be published on time.
There are plenty of great tools that can make the process easier, like Google Calendar or Planoly (although I also recommend setting reminders on your phone). It might take some trial and error, but once you find something effective. It will save you so much heartache.
Stay Consistent with Blogging
It’s important to stay consistent with blogging because it can take time for search engines to index your blog or rank you highly.
You should also be prepared for the occasional dip in traffic as a result of scheduling post content rather than publishing them on an ad hoc basis (assuming that posts are not evenly spaced apart).
Make Time to Optimize Your Content
Scheduling your content is only half the battle.
It’s also important to optimize that content by checking for keywords, adding links back to other posts on your site, and including compelling images or graphics when applicable. These steps will help you get more clicks from readers who find those helpful as well!
Perform a Website Audit
Before you try to improve your blog’s SEO, it can be helpful to perform a website audit.
Most WordPress plugins will give you all the information that you need about your site in order to make any necessary adjustments if needed. This includes page views, bounce rates, average time on site, and more.
By performing a website audit, you can make all of the necessary adjustments to avoid leading potential customers to a broken website.
Plan Your Content with Keyword Research in Mind
It’s always a good idea to plan your content with keyword research in mind.
This will help you rank on the search engine results pages (SERPs) for keywords that are relevant or popular, and give your blog post an advantage when it comes time to compete for those coveted spots.
Scheduling your content based on keyword research will also give you a near-infinite list of blog topics to write about.
Contact Us Today!
Scheduling your blog content isn’t as simple as it seems. Hiring a qualified SEO agency will help in running this process while you focus on running your business.
Do you want to learn more about how you can help? Contact us today to speak to a member of our team.
Tim holds expertise in building and scaling sales operations, helping companies increase revenue efficiency and drive growth from websites and sales teams.
When he's not working, Tim enjoys playing a few rounds of disc golf, running, and spending time with his wife and family on the beach...preferably in Hawaii.
Over the years he's written for publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Marketing Land, Search Engine Journal, ReadWrite and other highly respected online publications. Connect with Tim on Linkedin & Twitter.
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