Timothy Carter

Chief Revenue Officer at SEO Company

Industry veteran Timothy Carter is SEO.co’s Chief Revenue Officer. Tim leads all revenue for the company and oversees all customer-facing teams for SEO (search engine optimization) – including sales, marketing & customer success.

He has spent more than 20 years in the world of SEO & Digital Marketing leading, building and scaling sales operations, helping companies increase revenue efficiency and drive growth from websites and sales teams.

When he’s not working, Tim enjoys playing a few rounds of disc golf, running, and spending time with his wife and family on the beach…preferably in Hawaii.

Over the years he’s written for publications like ForbesEntrepreneur, Marketing Land, Search Engine Journal, ReadWrite and other highly respected online publications. Connect with Tim on Linkedin & Twitter.

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How to Build Quality Links Without Investing Heavily in Content
Timothy Carter

How to Build Quality Links Without Investing Heavily in Content

Quality on-site content will help you earn more quality backlinks. But what if you want backlinks, but don’t have the time or resources to invest heavily in content? For this type of link building, you’ll need to invest more heavily in relationships, rather than content. In short, free backlinks are rarely free. The highest quality backlinks will take time and resources to acquire, whether you acquire them passively (through on-site content) or actively through outreach. Below is more information about how you can get more links for your site without spending a lot of money on content. Adding links in the ways highlighted here can boost your rank in search engines just like high-quality SEO services can. Brand Mentions An effective way to collect more relevant links is by checking for other sites that mention you. There isn’t a better way to find a natural link than to link with sites that have talked about you. It’s an easy concept: You find a website that mentioned your URL or product. Of course, in the ideal world, this mention happened recently. But if you’re promoting a new brand or product, you can get away with linking an older mention. When you find a site that’s mentioned you, great! You’ve done half the work. The rest is reaching out to the owner or webmaster. You can start your outreach by telling them how much you appreciated them mentioning your brand. Then, simply ask for a link. Of course, you’ll need to use common sense to determine if you want the link. For example, did the person positively mention your site or brand? Does the site have a lot of traffic, and how many unique visitors per month? Is the link logical between your companies? To maximize your chances of turning a mention into a link, focus on building the relationship first. Then, talk about getting a link. You may even need to start with a brand mention that simply acts as an inferred link and move the relationship down the chain from there. Broken Links Building links through broken links is another excellent way to boost links without investing in content. The idea is to look for broken site links on other sites that have pages like yours. Next, reach out to the site owner, tell them about the broken link, and show how linking to your site serves their interests. There are many ways you can use the dead link strategy in your campaign to increase sit links. First, some website owners look for older, relevant resource pages and write fresh blog posts and other content. Next, you reach out to any site linking to the outdated content; tell them about how your new content is better. Another way is when a related company goes under. You can get links by looking for pages that point to the dead website. Many companies like to add links by looking for dead links and pages. Use Guest Posts Some websites don’t link to use guest posts now because it has become popular with spammers. But guest posting is still an effective way to build links for free. Finding places to get featured with a guest blog post might sound complex, but if you just make a quick Google search, you can often find dozens of websites with guest posting in your industry. Once you find a site in your niche that accepts guest posts, reach out to the site owner. Talk about how your guest post will dovetail with the purpose of their site. Play up how the post will benefit them. If you have carefully crafted your subject, so it appeals to that site owner, you should be able to snag a link. Build An Affiliate Program Making an affiliate program is another effective way to generate backlinks. If you can create customized affiliate links, you can generate many links deep on your site to product pages; this is what many SEO gurus dream of! You also can tell the website the page they should be linking to. Curate Content Content curation is a low-cost and effective way to market your company without investing in content. You simply find top-notch existing content that other sites have published and put it on your own website and social media channels – with attribution. Reposting excellent content that others have written is a great way to provide value to your followers and customers. And you don’t even have to pay for or write unique content. You can use content curation to build links because it sets you up as an authority in the business. Every time you post valuable, innovative content, your audience will start to turn to you for relevant content in that niche. They’ll begin to view you as their go-to information source. People will go to your site and social media channels for the content you offer, even if you didn’t write it. When the content has top value, you’ll notice that you are getting more links. Remember that gaining links this way takes time. Many sites need to curate content effectively for months before they see rewards. But curating quality content is an effective way to get backlinks without spending more than a few minutes on the task every day. Over months and years, curated content can get high-quality links from the start. Summary We hope we’ve illustrated here that you have many options to build links without investing as much in new content. But this doesn’t mean that you should ignore writing fresh, innovative content. If this list isn’t enough, consider our list of 77 link building strategies for SEO. Google places an extremely high value on websites that generate relevant, unique content that other users value and share with others. Getting backlinks without content would be like trying to rank without backlinks. Is it possible in today’s complex and increasingly-difficult world of search engine optimization? To a degree, maybe, but not in the long run if you want

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Improve the Quality of Your Online Leads
Timothy Carter

How to Improve the Quality of Your Online Leads

For most online marketers, success boils down to how much revenue your campaign generates. That revenue is tied to paying customers, and paying customers are just leads who made it through the sales funnel. Accordingly, many online marketers measure their success in terms of how many leads they were able to generate. It’s a good number to know, for sure, but there’s one major problem with it: it doesn’t tell you how good those leads are. Working with five great bottom-of-the-funnel leads is better–and will result in more revenue–than 100 irrelevant or uninterested leads from some tangential whitepaper download on your website. That 100 number is a flashy vanity metric, but without substantive lead quality, it’s essentially useless. We write a lot about increasing traffic to your site and improving conversion rates, and this is important for B2B and B2C companies alike. When most people talk about “conversion optimization,” they’re talking about increasing high-quality leads.  What follows is a discussion on lead quality, why it matters and how to improve lead quality.  Let’s dive in. Why Lead Quality Matters If you’ve ever been in a sales position, you know why lead quality matters. Low quality leads are people who aren’t interested in your product or brand, or those who are just interested in finding out more details without really buying anything (tire-kickers). They may even be people who fall outside your demographics if you’re generating leads automatically. All this is a problem because every “weak” lead you spend time on is wasted time you could have spent on a high quality lead. You might get fewer leads overall, but your sales ratio will be much better. How to Filter Your Leads for Quality If you’re just getting started with online marketing or conversion optimization, you might want to focus on quantity first—there’s no use trying to filter two leads down to one lead, but once you start getting dozens or hundreds of leads on a regular basis, you’ll need to focus that stream down to only what’s most important. Here’s how you do it: Improve Content Targeting to Improve Lead Quality This first option might seem obvious, but it’s easy to neglect. Your content is responsible for the majority of your inbound traffic and early interested leads—it attracts people from search engines and social media, and forms visitors’ impressions of your site when they start poking around. The type of topics you pick can have a drastic impact on the people who eventually choose to convert. For example, if you write about basic, general topics in your industry, you’ll tend to attract leads who are nearly unfamiliar with your type of company and industry best practices. If you need qualified leads with more experience or familiarity, you’ll have to increase the vocabulary and change the focus of your articles. Your content marketing strategy, if executed with care, can be your greatest source of incoming leads. Writing regular high-quality content and using the power of social media channels to syndicate that content will naturally attract dozens, and in time, hundreds of leads to your website. In order to maximize the conversion potential for those leads, and ensure that those leads are as qualified as possible, you need to adjust your content marketing strategy accordingly. For example, if you own a law firm, but you only do work with business clients, writing content about consumer-focused law and litigation work might attract a large number of people to your blog—but those people wouldn’t belong to your key demographic, and your lead quality would correspondingly decline. It’s better to write and publish content that caters to a highly specific type of person—the kind of person you’d love to come in as a lead. Refine Your Social Media Efforts Just like content, the things you publish on social media can have an effect on who comes to your site. However, on social media, you have more control over who comes into and remains in your pool of followers. For example, you can target specific demographics to reach out to and build an audience person by person to increase the percentage of connections who fall into your targeted demographics. You can also use segmented lists to filter out those who might not be relevant—such as people outside your geographic area. Additionally, you (or a member of your team) can spend more time on social media, reaching out to individuals you know would make good leads and following them. This will get their attention and gradually shift your following to be mostly comprised of prequalified leads. Segment Your Landing Pages If your content and social adjustments don’t help, you can consider funneling people to different landing pages based on their intentions (and possibly behavior). For example, let’s say you offer three different levels of service: one for beginners one for experts one as a white-label SEO service through a reseller program Here, you can create three different landing pages with specific copy that only appeals to one of these demographics (each). You can also use these landing pages for proper lead scoring and lead segmentation. If your marketing efforts funnel lots of mixed traffic to each of these pages, they’ll naturally filter out any leads who aren’t qualified for each specific service. You should also be using your CRM (customer relationship management) system to do more lead scoring and quality lead filtering. Funnel Conversions Into an Email Campaign Instead of attempting to get leads right away, turn your main site of conversion into a “prospective lead” generator. When you get someone to fill out your form, subscribe them to an ongoing email campaign (or similar marketing strategy that keeps your brand top-of-mind). A portion of these subscribers—only the most interested—will open your emails regularly, and might even reach out directly to you. With every email, your pool of prospective leads will grow warmer toward your brand, and uninterested parties will naturally unsubscribe, allowing your lead pool to filter itself. Make the Conversion More Demanding (But, Be

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Off-Page SEO: The MOST Important Off-Page SEO Tactics You'll Need
Timothy Carter

Off-Page SEO: Strategies & Best Practices for Off-Site SEO

No one really knows the exact formula(s) Google uses for ranking websites, and no one knows exactly how sites are ranked for various keywords. Google has set out some guidelines to live by, and by trial-and-error, top SEOs have uncovered some a few factors for optimizing a site for search. But correlation often does not imply causation, especially when it comes to ranking highly for competitive keywords. Most Important Off-Page SEO Factors Let’s analyze six of the most important off-page SEO ranking factors you should always pay attention to, based on the rules by which Google — and other search engines — want us to play the SEO game. 1. Creating backlinks Backlinks are one of the foundations of SEO. Backlinks are outside links to your site. In other words, they are links from other people’s websites. People choose to link back to your content because they have found it to be relevant and useful. However, you can also create backlinks yourself by posting content that links back to your site via social media profiles and directories. These days, one of the best and most powerful ways to create backlinks is to engage guest posting services on other authoritative and high-PR blogs. Also, if you want to attract tons of high-quality backlinks to your site, it inevitably comes back to this: You have to create interesting, timely, and relevant content that people active in your niche would want to link to, and you have to do it on a consistent and continual basis. That is the ultimate guarantee that links around your site will be created naturally. But, when it comes to building links for off-page SEO, it is important to remember that it is NOT the most important SEO ranking factor. It is one of hundreds, so don’t focus on off-page SEO to the exclusion of other factors! 2. Quality, quality, and quality Linking back from sites with higher authority than yours will help jack up your own authority. However, you need to be careful when picking sites from which to link back. Before Google did a major overhaul on their algorithm, quantity seemed to be the dominating factor behind successful off-page SEO strategy. Today, quality trumps quantity. Quality backlinking calls for links from very relevant and high-authority sites. You want to create links from sites with good reputation, and ideally they will relate only to your niche. 3. Relevance The more relevant the site you are linking from, the better. There’s little advantage in creating backlinks from home improvement sites if you are working around the gadgets and electronics industry. 4. Diversify Don’t just link from one source or one type of site. Link back from as many different kinds as possible. Create links from blogs, industry directories, article directories, forums, and social media properties. The more you diversify your backlinks, the more you’ll attract traffic from a variety of sources. A diversity of backlinks is one of the best off-page SEO strategies that will increase your chances of winning a favorable ranking from Google. 5. Pace naturally Creating several hundred links to a new site within days is a recipe for disaster. It raises red flags and runs the risk of being deemed unnatural. Keep your off-page SEO natural by building several links at a regular pace; say, two to five per business day. 6. Anchor text Here’s where Google Penguin has lowered the boom on many thousands of sites. The norm used to be for SEOs to create tons of exact-match anchor text. These days, the Penguin wants to see variations or you will pay a huge price and see a significant drop in rankings and traffic. You can still use exact-match anchor texts, but keep them to a minimum. Use related terms and keywords for variations. Off-page SEO Issues that Can Effect Rankings Almost every strategy under the SEO umbrella can be categorized as “on-page SEO” vs. “off-page SEO.” On-page SEO refers to all the site structuring, basic setup, and ongoing work you do on your domain, while offsite refers to anything that happens away from that domain. Strategies like guest posting, link building, and social media marketing all fall into the off-page SEO category, and are critical if you want to rank for any cluster of keywords. Depending on the size of your site and on how many people have access to it, odds are your on-page SEO structure and content aren’t going to change frequently. Occasionally, you should run an onsite audit to ensure no new pages have gone untitled or no duplicate pages have been indexed, but unless there’s a serious SEO performance issue with your site, it’s unlikely that an onsite hiccup can cause your rankings to fall. If you see unexpected volatility and your on-site SEO is in order, the only reasonable possibility is that something has gone wrong with your off-page SEO. There are five common offsite SEO hiccups that can interfere with your rankings, but fortunately, all of them have relatively easy fixes: 1. Low-quality source links. If you’re experienced in SEO, you know the deal; off-page SEO backlinks are necessary for building authority and building on low-quality sources is easy, but can actively damage your reputation depending on the source. A rogue link pointing to your domain on a scam site or a virtually unknown publisher could drive your domain authority down and prevent you free gaining any positive momentum. There are a few ways links like these could pop up. They could be remnants from an older strategy, or links you forgot you built. They could be links built by someone else on your team without your knowledge. They might have even been built without your company’s consent. In any case, you can find them using a link search tool like Moz’s Open Site Explorer, and usually get them taken down with a simple request to the webmaster in question. 2. Heavy-handed or spammy links. Just because your link is on a medium- to high-authority source doesn’t

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30 Marketing Automation Tools to Make Your Life Easier
Timothy Carter

30 Best Marketing Automation Tools for SEO Companies

Marketing automation refers to any tool designed to take some kind of otherwise manual, time-intensive process in your marketing strategy and make it happen automatically. While we may be several years away from seeing your marketing career jeopardized by AI and automation, we’re already living in an age where your marketing career can be defined by the technology you’re using (or neglecting). Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of marketing automation software and using the best tools for the job can dramatically increase your results—and save you time in the process. Why Marketing Automation Tools? via GIPHY The value proposition of marketing automation benefits is simple. A quality marketing automation platform saves you (and your team) time. Assuming you have a list of 20 tasks to do in a day, and automation can take care of 5 of them, you’ll instantly save 25 percent of your time—which you can then devote to more high-value efforts, like brainstorming, analyzing, or making new connections. Another perk of automation is giving you more data, which you can use to measure and analyze the results of your campaign. Because these marketing efforts are repetitive, and logged in the app you’re using, it’s usually easy to generate a report that tells you exactly how your landing page strategy is performing. 30 Marketing Automation Tools Let’s take a look at some of the best marketing automation tools on the market today. Integrated marketing automation platforms These automation platforms focus on a wide range of different functionalities and features: 1. SAP Sales Cloud. Once known as CallidusCloud, the SAP Sales Cloud is a sales and marketing performance management tool. It’s designed to automate your lead identification process, getting rid of leads that seem unqualified or too high-risk to follow up with. 2. Bremy. Bremy, by Solution Dynamics, is an automation tool to help you create and manage email newsletters, database publishing, and video proofing, among other features. You can use it across channels, which makes it especially appealing to multi-channel campaign runners. 3. Marketo. Marketo was designed with lead nurturing in mind. You can use it to automate various features of your lead management, consumer marketing, email marketing, and customer relationship development. 4. Contactually. Contactually is an automatic CRM designed with real estate agents in mind, but you can use it for your sales and marketing strategy as well. It takes contact information from your inbox and social media profiles and fleshes out that information as fully as possible. 5. AdRoll. AdRoll focuses on automating your retargeting campaigns, especially through social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. You can use it to segment audiences and track your analytics across channels as well. 6. Dialog Tech. If you rely on inbound phone calls as part of your marketing campaign, consider Dialog Tech. It automates your voice interactions and gives you metrics you can use to analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns. 7. LeadSquared. There’s also LeadSquared. It’s designed to help you identify and store lead information from multiple channels, including emails, online forms, phone calls, and your website’s chat. 8. Bizible. Bizible was created with the intention of closing the gap between marketing and sales. You can use it in combination with AdWords to automate your ad campaigns and get a high-level picture of your success in getting leads and closing sales. 9. Act-On. Act-On is another lead nurturing and marketing automation platform with a ton of automation-focused features. It can help you design a landing page, track your inbound and outbound leads, and automate all your customer emails. 10. Hatchbuck. If you’re looking to optimize your CRM and marketing efforts, you could use Hatchbuck. It helps you create and assign tags, which you can use to categorize and better track your incoming leads. 11. Genoo. Genoo is an integrated platform with multiple features. It can help you profile customers, evaluate incoming leads, and even create new landing pages. There’s also a built-in CMS with activity tracking. 12. E-goi. E-goi is ideal if you’re looking to use email marketing in combination with other communication methods. It helps you automate a campaign that sends updates via other mediums like SMS text and voice messages. 13. Pardot. Pardot is home to a number of tools designed to automate your online marketing needs. It integrates with your CRM, offers a built-in feature to evaluate leads, and even reports on the ROI of your campaigns. 14. Keap. Keap is a client management tool, and the company also offers a tool called InfusionSoft. Together, these tools help you automate your sales and marketing strategies, track leads, and nurture them. 15. HubSpot. If content marketing is your jam, Hubspot is the marketing automation tool for you. It has numerous built-in features to help you create content, optimize it for SEO, and manage your email and social media campaigns. 16. Intercom. Intercom is designed to help you create and execute automatic conversations for app users. It’s ideal for helping users understand your app or guiding them to specific areas of content. Email-specific automation tools These automation tools focus more heavily on email marketing, specifically, as it’s one of the easiest forms of marketing to automate: 17. MailChimp. The folks at MailChimp have made a name for themselves in the industry by offering one of the simplest and most efficient email automation tools on the market. Creating campaigns, managing list segments, and enabling drip campaigns are all relatively straightforward. 18. ConvertKit. ConvertKit offers many features you might find in a CRM but is more focused on helping you create automatic responses, sometimes in a complicated chain of programmed responses. 19. Drip. Drip is, appropriately enough, designed for automating and managing drip email campaigns. It has tons of pre-made templates and can guide you through the creation process if you’re new to it. 20. GoViral. GoViral is a free tool used to encourage your email subscribers to share your latest content. If your subscribers share on social media or via email, they can get a free bonus. 21. Reach Mail. There’s also Reach Mail, which helps you compare up to five

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Most Valuable Content for Local SEO
Timothy Carter

14 Ideas for Local SEO Content

Writing for local optimization is a different animal. In addition to providing the same level of detail to the same target demographics, you also have to find a way to include local-specific keywords into the bin of your articles naturally. It’s a tricky line to walk since any indication of over-optimization could turn off your visitors and invoke the wrath of a Google penalty. At the same time, if you don’t write locally optimized content, you could leave yourself to the mercy of your local competitors. Instead of trying to jam local keywords, like your city or neighborhood, into your traditional content strategy, generating topic ideas for a local audience is better. This might seem harsh, especially if you aren’t used to writing locally optimized content. Still, if you break it down into different categories, you should have no trouble coming up with a sizeable list of potential subjects to explore. Local SEO can be the driving force behind most of a company’s online traffic and visibility. But if you want to be successful with local SEO services, you must put several foundational pillars in place. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of local SEO and where to share your content to get maximum results – meaning more traffic, prospects, and (ultimately) sales. Why Local SEO Matters As a small business owner, you must have a solid online presence to attract and retain customers. Local SEO is highly relevant: There are, quite literally, thousands of ways to build an online presence. (And you can use any number of ‘on ramps’ to attract clicks and traffic.) However, local SEO is one of the most effective. As a refresher: Local SEO is optimizing your website and online profiles to rank higher in search engine results for specific geographic locations. Typically, this targets particular cities and towns, though it can also extend to the state and regional levels. Here are some primary reasons why local SEO matters (and why you should prioritize sharing content for local SEO). 1. Local SEO helps you reach your target audience. One of the most significant benefits of local SEO is that it helps you reach your target audience. Optimizing your website and online profiles for specific geographic locations can ensure that your business is visible to people searching for products or services in your area. This is especially important for small businesses relying on foot traffic or local customers for revenue. Restaurants and service businesses are primarily reliant on good local SEO strategies. 2. Local SEO helps you stand out from the competition Another benefit of local SEO is that it helps you stand out from the competition. With so many businesses competing for the same customers, it can be challenging to get noticed. However, by optimizing your website and online profiles for local search, you can ensure that your business is visible to potential customers looking for products or services in your area. This can give you a significant advantage over your competitors. 3. Local SEO can improve your online visibility Local SEO can also improve your online visibility. When your business is listed on local directories, such as Yelp and Google Business Profile, it can help your brand appear in the top search results when people are looking for products or services in your area. This increases the chances of potential customers finding your business and visiting your website. 4. Local SEO can help you track your progress. Local SEO can also help you track your progress. Using tools like Google Analytics, you can monitor your website’s traffic and see how many people visit your website from specific geographic locations. This helps you identify areas where your business is doing well and areas you need to improve. 14 Places to Share Content or Local SEO There are several places where you can share content for local SEO. Let’s go ahead and explore some of the top ones: 1. Google Business Profile This free listing service provided by Google allows companies and brands to manage and oversee their online presence across Google platforms, including Maps and Search. Setting up a profile is a simple process: Go to the Google My Business website and click “rt Now.” Sign in to your Google account or create a new one if you don’t have one. Enter your business name and address. You can also add a phone number, website, and other details about your business. Google will send you a verification code by mail, phone, or email. Once you receive the code, enter it on the Google My Business website to verify your business. Add photos and other information to your profile. You can add pictures of your business, products, and services, a business description, hours of operation, and additional relevant information. Once you have completed your profile, review it to ensure that all the information is accurate and complete. Then, click on “Publish” to make your profile live. It’s important to note that your Google Business Profile will allow you to manage your business information across Google, including Search and Maps. It also enables you to respond to customer reviews and see insights into how customers interact with your business listing. 2. Bing Places for Business Similar to Google Business, this is a free listing service provided by Bing for businesses to manage their online presence on Bing. Setting up a Bing Places for Business profile is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you can follow: Go to the Bing Places for Business website and click “Get started.” Sign into your Microsoft account or create a new one if you don’t have one. Enter your business name and address. You can also add a phone number, website, and other details about your business. Bing will send you a verification code by mail, phone, or email. Once you receive the code, enter it on the Bing Places for Business website to verify your business. Much like Google Business, you can add photos of your business, products, and

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Link Building for Local SEO: How to Build Backlinks for Local SEO
Timothy Carter

Link Building for Local SEO: How to Build Backlinks for Local SEO

Link building serves many purposes. Most of the time when marketers and link builders talk about the practice of link building, they are referring to global link building, linking to sites all over the web in order to build brand recognition, generate more content, increase page rank, and increase domain authority. While all of these things certainly apply, local link building is more specific in that it is focused on building links that are related to local search results. Here are some examples: “roofer near me” “local painting contractor” “Austin, Texas pest control” “Seattle SEO“ For most businesses, especially brick and mortar or service-based businesses, the majority of their traffic comes from the local searches. In fact, 38% of all internet queries are local. Knowing how to optimize for local SEO link building is crucial to getting traffic through the doors and for cashing in on the local customer base you have. While the principle is similar to standard national link building, there are a few key differences between link building on a global scale and local link building. The primary focus of link building is on finding industry-specific links through finding relevant and trustworthy content to link to or to form link exchanges with other businesses. The problem with this for local businesses is that these types of links do not drive the type of traffic that they need. So then, the question becomes, what types of Links are best for local link building? To help you understand building links for local search, we’ll break down why local link building is different and how it works, as well as how to actually go about finding and securing local link building opportunities. What Local SEO Link Building is All About We all already understand what link building is and what search engine optimization is for, helping you rank higher in search results. Like we said in the beginning, the focus is not on global search results or even Google specifically, but rather on local business search results. Many of the same rules apply as far as being relevant and trustworthy. In other words, you’re still looking at building backlinks with businesses that are relevant to your own and provide useful information to your users, while having a good domain authority (relative to local search). The difference is that you’re not looking for just any sites with relevant information and good domain authority, your search for links should be focused on those businesses in your local search area, the area that you cover with your services. To conceptualize it, picture this, you are a tire salesman in Atlanta, you want to improve your search ranking by building links with businesses that are also in Atlanta and that are in a related field. By following this logic, you may try to reach out to local tire change shops, that don’t sell their own tires, or mechanic shops that buy tires from you, or even paint and dent repair shops that service automobiles, all in Atlanta. With this example, you can see how all of these businesses are related and add some form of value to your users and your business. Getting free backlinks with local businesses is the key point of local SEO link building but is not the only part of it. Content Creation and SEO for Local Link Building The next part of local SEO link building is linking to content that is relevant to your users. This is about what your backlinks are linked to as well as the types of content you create on your own website as well as what pages you backlink to. If you want to find out more about your backlinks right now, use our free backlink checker tool. Your own content is a major part of your SEO, content that is keyword rich is not the only goal. You want content that is on topic, relevant, fresh, and of value to your users. This also improves your chances of building links with other businesses, after all in terms of link exchanges, both parties have to offer something of value. To that point, the businesses that host your links should also have relevant content that is high quality. This is part of the whole, highly reputable, and relevant local link building strategies that is at the core of all global link building tactics, but for local businesses, it is even more important to keep users engaged and build brand trust. If you have a lot of backlinks from disreputable or untrustworthy local websites, this will only hurt your business in the end. It also hurts your search results ranking since domain authority is still a part of the local search ranking. The content you create also needs to be local. Referencing local businesses, talking about area-specific problems, issues that customers in your area face, providing solutions to common problems, all of these types of things are all relevant and local, improving your ranking in local search by being as relevant and impactful as possible. Writing broad or overarching posts and blogs may be useful on the global market, but local residents want content that matters to them specifically. Always keep in mind the audience you’re trying to target and the information that they will find important. The Information You Need to Build Local SERP Ranking You should always consult with a professional link building service to help build out links to your business, but focusing on the right information is important for the purpose of building your ranking in Google’s local SERP. The first thing to focus on is making sure that the information on your site is up to date and listed properly, this means your location (physical address, ) the name of your business, and contact details are as up to date as possible (as a side note, this information should be on every page and should be easy to find) and that Google has this information listed in its index of businesses. The second

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