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  • Competitor SEO Strategies You Should Be Using

    Competitor SEO Strategies You Should Be Using

    With millions of websites and companies clamoring to get to the top rank in Google, SEO is becoming an insanely competitive marketing channel. If you’re looking to rank on a national scale, it could take years of hard work to build a solid foundation. Even so, SEO is one of the most cost-effective and worthwhile digital marketing channels available, and if you strategize efficiently, you can get the edge over your competition.

    The fundamentals of SEO (i.e., a keyword-rich content strategy, backlink building, social syndication, etc.) are pursued by almost every business with a web presence, but there are some excellent strategies your competition is likely neglecting:

    1. Competitive Research.

    Competitive Research

    Okay, so your competitors are probably doing a bit of competitive keywords research on their own. But what you research and how you research it matter in the world of SEO. Your SEO competitors/competitors sites might be looking at certain keyword phrases to monitor the level of competition for each, then selecting the least sought-after terms to go after. You can take this level of research a step further by delving deep into your main competitors’ content and SEO strategies.

    Start by taking a look at the title tags and meta data on your competitor’s site. The title tag present on the home page likely contains the main keyword research idea they’re trying to go after. Also take a look at the type of content they publish. How often are they publishing? What subjects are they writing about? What types of users are responding with comments? You  not have  considered before. The better you understand your competitors’ strategies, the more you can   do to outperform  them.

    2. Zagging Content.

    We use the term “zagging content” here to define content that proverbially “zags” where other content “zigs.” You can do this as a complement to your competitors’ strategies, or as a dissenting opinion to a popular view.

    As a crude example, if your competitors are writing all about hamburgers, you can write about hot dogs. Both are popular,similar American-style food items, so the audience base will be similar, but they’re different enough to capture different  segments within the population. Since your hot dog content “zags” against the “zig” of hamburger content, you won’t be directly competing, but you’ll still be capturing a similar section of your shared target audience. It will also help you optimize for long-tail keywords that would otherwise go neglected.

    You can also offer content that presents opinions or ideas that aren’t necessarily popular. As another food-based example,consider content that focuses on hot dog toppings. Thousands of people will have written about ketchup and mustard, but  how many people have written about ranch dressing on hot dogs? It’s a viable option that most people haven’t considered. This type of dissenting content is powerful for two reasons: one, it demonstrates a strong opinion, which is always valuable  for gaining attention, and two, it’s different, which will help your content stand out in your industry.

     3. Forum Participation.


    Forum ParticipationForum participation is a seo strategy that incorporates elements of standard backlinking and social media marketing. It takes some time and extra effort to find and actively participate in forums related to your industry, but odds are your competitor aren’t investing the time.

    Participating in a forum as a regular contributor can help your campaign in two ways. First, it gives you frequent opportunities to post links pointing back to your site in a natural way. Look for topics that are relevant to your business,and include links to articles on your site that are relevant to the conversation. You don’t want to be flagged as a spammer, but as long as you are posting relevant, engaging comments, you should be fine. You can also include links back to your home page in your signature block. These aren’t seen as high quality links, but every bit of help counts.

    Second, you’ll be building a community. Forum participants may not be involved in media, and therefore represent a unique section of your audience. Forum members are often looking for expert advice, and if you can be that expert when  your competitor isn’t even trying, you’ll win a ton of new business.

    4. Directory Management.

    Local directories are becoming increasingly important for local businesses. Directories like Yelp and TripAdvisor recently received a massive ranking boost from Google’s/search engines Pigeon Update, in some cases ranking directory review search engine results pages above the individual sites for the companies they review. For businesses that depend on local web search traffic/organic traffic, this represents a new avenue for building web traffic from organic search engine results. If a Yelp page is the first thing your customers will find when looking for your type of business, you need to make sure you have a stronger Yelp page than your competitors.

    To effectively manage your listings in local directories, first you’ll need to claim your page on as many outlets as possible. This includes sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Urbanspoon, and any other industry-specific directories you can find. Fill out as much information as you can, and make sure your name, address, and phone number information is exact and consistent  across each platform. Then, encourage your customers to find you and post positive reviews—the more, the better. Don’t pay for reviews or post fake ones; you’ll get caught and penalized. But do encourage review posting as much as you can to get the edge over your competition.

    5. Video Community Building.

    Video Community Building

    Videos are an important type of content in any content marketing and SEO digital marketing strategy, but you can do more than just posting a handful of videos on your own YouTube Channel. With video community building, you can create a tight network of backlinks and mutual support with your vendors and partners.

    If you use a certain product in your business that you love, make a short and personal testimonial video and offer it to company that makes that product. Companies love to receive testimonials, especially in video form, so if you’re lucky, they’ll post it on their site as a blog post or on their Testimonials page. Include a link back to your site if you can. It’s an easy  and natural way to diversify your link building strategy, add more videos to your repertoire, and increase your brand visibility all in one brilliant tactic. You can even reciprocate by encouraging your customers to post video reviews of their  own pointing back to your site.

    Implementing these strategies may not be the magic bullet that puts an end to your competition and puts you on the fast track to a number-one ranking, but it will give you a competitive edge. When working in tandem with other consistent SEO best practices, eventually you’ll see some pretty impressive organic search results.

    Of course, if you’re new to the world of SEO, this is a lot to take in. Not only do you have to worry about making sure your onsite and offsite strategies are in order, you also have to stay on top of the ever-changing adjustments to Google’s search rankings algorithms and respond to the moves your SEO  competitors are making.

    Fortunately, our local SEO program and white label SEO reseller program will provide you with the growth keyword research tool/SEO tools you need to succeed.

    Chief Revenue Officer at SEO Company
    Industry veteran Timothy Carter is SEO.co’s Chief Revenue Officer. Tim leads all revenue for the company and oversees all customer-facing teams for SEO (search engine optimization) services - including sales, marketing & customer success. He has spent more than 20 years in the world of SEO & Digital Marketing, assisting in everything from SEO for lawyers to complex technical SEO for Fortune 500 clients like Wiley, Box.com, Qualtrics and HP.

    Tim holds expertise in building and scaling sales operations, helping companies increase revenue efficiency and drive growth from websites and sales teams.

    When he's not working, Tim enjoys playing a few rounds of disc golf, running, and spending time with his wife and family on the beach...preferably in Hawaii.

    Over the years he's written for publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Marketing Land, Search Engine Journal, ReadWrite and other highly respected online publications. Connect with Tim on Linkedin & Twitter.
    Timothy Carter